What makes a man stylish? Is it his ability to shell out thousands for a three-piece suit? Could it be the fact that he has a keen eye for accessorizing? Well, while that's actually part of it, style is really a blend of what you wear and how you carry yourself.
Trends come and go, but style is something that one possesses for a lifetime..
For most stylish dudes, items like classic suits and blue jeans will never go out of style. These items are not loud and they suit virtually everyone
The greatest thing about being stylish is having your own identity. You don't need to look like everyone else or fit a certain mold; instead you need to figure out what makes you feel confident and sport that. And no, dressing like a pimp will not automatically serve to help your cause.
But don't forget that wearing a suit and tie is not mandatory for being dubbed stylish. Then again, dressing as though you're a he-she is also not going to encourage men to emulate you either.
Then there are those guys who are dressed by people they hire, or are paid to dress a certain way by a clothing company. And believe me, that doesn't mean that they're stylish by any means.
Then there are all those guys that prance around in expensive brands because the price is right. Sure, they still look like millions, but it's because that's how much they're paid.
The name's Bond, James "you'll never see me out of my element" Bond. Probably the most stylish man ever to tread this earth, James Bond and the men who portray the character had this confident, no-nonsense air about them -- and with good reason.
Their wardrobe is classic and the colors are dark, yes, but that's not all that stylish men need to be so. It's all in the attitude.
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